
Rizqi Ardi

Undergraduate Computer science Student at Ahmad Dahlan Univesity


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Rizqi Ardi

Undergraduate Computer science Student at Ahmad Dahlan Univesity

2nd Semester

I'm From Merauke, Papua

east Indonesia

Currently study at:

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Ahmad Dahlan University

Computer Science 2nd Semester

My experience

High School

SMAN 1 Merauke

  • Participating in Olimpiade Sains Nasional - Kabupaten (Chemistry) -
  • Silver Medal MSC 2021 - Quantum Education Competition (Chemistry) -
  • Bronze Medal MSC 2021 - Quantum Education Competition (Math) -


Ahmad Dahlan University

  • 1st Winner Basic Programming Competition by HMIF UAD 2022 -

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My Project

Simple CRUD C++ Data Mahasiswa [Completed]

completed this project to fulfill the requirements for my final assignment in the basic programming course

Link to Full Source Code

24Wheelz Web [In Progress]

In progress to make a web for car&motorcycle rentals named 24Wheelz, me and my team need to completed this project to fulfill the web development course

Link to Full 24Wheelz

Revou Mini Project [Completed]

completed this project to get certificate from revou fundamental course

Link to Full Revou Mini Project

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